Wednesday, January 19, 2011

the Emmanuel Prayer

our church community has a very strong prayer ministry that uses Theophostic (from greek for God and Light) prayers that have been helping me. i won't pretend to try and tell you how it all works or even what is involved other than to say that it involves inviting Jesus into a traumatic or difficult memory and asking him what He wants you to know about that situation.

i've looked at various memories of mine recently and have been trying to deal with feelings of inadequacy, competency, abandonment and the fear and anxiety this creates in me. i mention it because it has been very helpful as i try to process all the things i need to be working on in my life.

i highly recommend it but i also want you to get some help in doing it. there's a link to my church community if you're curious on the right and you can find out a little more about us. you won't find any information about the Emmanuel prayer or Theophostic prayer but something could be found by contacting i suppose.

blessings friends.

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