Thursday, December 31, 2009

a new year is around the corner

2009 was not kind to us and i'm hoping that the transition to a new year and a new decade will bring about change that is favourable for us. i'm hoping that the "season" that was 2009 will transition into a season of hope, love and health, particularly for Wendy.

we're going to Beth and Andrew's this evening. i plan to put in a showing at the New Year's party for our community but i'm much more stoked by the idea of going to play some games with them and with the kids for much of the evening. they have a Wii and i got hooked on Rock Band in the last week. Beth absolutely KILLS on the drums, Andrew is great with the guitar and Wendy has already started to learn on the Bass. i plan to keep going on the guitar too, if i can convince Andrew to let me have a go. the kids even get going at it, Hannah is already better than me on the guitar and little Naomi plays the drums to some effect. at any rate, i'm hoping for a couple hours of Rock Band and i'm hoping that it continues to be fun for all.

i'll even volunteer to come babysit in the near future just so that i can play it along with the girls during the evening and practice further after they go to bed. yeah, i go overboard on this stuff but we're all personalities that go overboard too often, aren't we?

well, the best of a New Year to you all. the best of a new "season" in your life. the best of grace, peace and hope to you all and may health be a constant companion for you.

i love you Wendy.


Mosaic Street said...


Everett Bracken said...

we just got Rock Band 2 for our kids, and all four of us are addicted now! Happy New Year!

tracey said...

happy new year! and i agree, may 2010 be better than '09. yikes.