Tuesday, May 19, 2009

the newest member of the family

it is with incredible joy that i mention this, we've added a bouncing baby bass guitar. it's an acoustic bass that has already brought a ton of fun to our lives as we "jam" in our living room. my wife is inspired by music, it brings incredible job to her life. that in itself brings joy to my life.

i started guitar lessons over a year ago and i've tried to stay on top of what i can over that period but this addition is a "gift from God" in more ways than on the emotional level. it's fun just to play and sing together. Wendy named the bass "Honey" because it has a honey coloured look to it and the look and sound certainly is sweet.

we're excited. i've already started to plan a get together for our church community where we can all sit and play our instruments for the evening. we're tentatively planning something for June 13, a premature celebration of our 18th anniversary on the 22nd. that'd be sweet! honey sweet!

thank you God for little joys like this.

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