Wednesday, June 30, 2010

horrific tales of sex slavery

via Glocal Christianity

Matt Stone in the above link quotes Proverbs 29:7 in his post about this issue

"The righteous care about justice for the poor,
but the wicked have no such concern."

and he made some simple suggestions for how to combat this too.

"Here are some simple actions you can do:

•Get informed
•Buy fair trade
•Write to your MP
•Join an action group
•Tell your friends

Help these kids by doing what you can. Pass it on."

i personally have had no experience with this being an issue whatsoever but i have seen and heard similar stories of disenfranchised women and children here in Canada who have been forced into a life on the streets. i do not know how to respond except i do know that i cannot be silent.

no one should be taken advantage of. no woman, no child should have to endure the ravages of our brothers, our fathers, our sons. it's just wrong and it must stop.

i cannot be silent about it.

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