Sunday, June 20, 2010

i've always been too short to dunk

and yet this past Sunday was my first dunk. David took the plunge and he allowed me to help bless him on his journey.
the sacramental journey is seen in particular rituals for me. baptism and the eucharist are two major ones in my journey. they're just so powerful and they speak to the heart of those who take part, even if you're just watching and blessing.

the baptism was to be during our Sunday morning service that we have every year during our Father's Day camping weekend. on Saturday evening we have the baptisees tell some of their story. here's what David said:

I`ve only had any real Faith for the last two years, before then
i did`nt think much of it until i went to pioneer (camp) for a weekend
and was sitting there watching birds on the lake and the sunset
i realized, this is what there is and it is awesome.
The next time i had a spirtual growth spirt was at pioneer and
seeing the awesomeness again while canoeing and walking
around the island.
I`ve been growing spirtually ever since then and decided to
get baptized.

(back to me now)
it was truly a blessing to help David on his journey. from my beginnings in Grain of Wheat i've known that i'd be attached to this kid. the first summer we were in GoW we decided to take a road trip to Ontario and David and his family decided to travel with us in their van. David was about 4 or so ... and ... well i guess we got a bit attached. it has been regular contact since then and we particularly like to go to the movies together.

that's him standing and in the middle.

that's him again second from the right and that's me on the right.

dead to sin

and alive to Christ

no we didn't hold him under extra time to be sure that it "took". welcome my brother.

the grace of the eucharist.

and with that i had the privilege of blessing our little brother. i'm really proud of you David.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

this was moving... I've been thinking a lot about baptism for the last few years... about when I first took that step, and the fact that I'm so different now, and in many ways I'd like to repeat it... about timing, and being lowered unto death and raised to new life... thanks for sharing this, Ian.