Monday, March 29, 2010

i'm on vacation

hello all from the west coast. i'm visiting family in Victoria British Columbia and this is the first time i've been this far west. flying over the mountains was very cool by the way i just wish ... we weren't so far above the mountains as we went over them. wouldn't it be cool to see the peaks up close as you flew over them? sorta like you were in the movies and trying to get through the pass unnoticed. not too close but ... close.

i've been a bit stressed so i'm hoping that this time off gives me an opportunity to recharge. it'll be good to chill for awhile.

it's seriously weird ... i think about you. i know that you're reading this and most of you have never met me but i've thought a lot recently about the people that are picking up the stuff i'm putting down. i've been thinking that it'd be nice to know more about the folks that are reading this. i can only glean so much by reading what you write on your own blogs, if even you do that and allow me to check out your own blog. at any rate, tell me more about you. comment.

discuss amongst yourselves. here, i'll get you started, "the Industrial Revolution was neither Industrial nor a Revolution". now i'm feeling all verklempt. (you get that reference right? that's Mike Myers on SNL)

i do think about the people that visit this little corner of the interweb. i do want to hear from others who come from a visit. i'd like to know more about people who show up. i'd like to visit your little blog too and get a little look into your soul (if you'll let me).

build one another up. be blessed my friends.


Al said...

Looking forward to getting together to do just that! 250 415 8380

Everett Bracken said...

enjoy your vacation Ian. my family is leaving tomorrow night a long weekend getaway to visit the in-laws. Then i get the whole next week off for Spring break!

Jon Reid said...

Hi Ian! Speaking of the Industrial Revolution, have you watched the TED talk on rethinking education? Actually, I found it through Dan Kimball's blog, where he extends it to ask how teaching is done in churches.

Lisa said...

hoping the vacation is restful and restorative! enjoy!

Jon Reid said...

(Shoot, no bonus points for incorporating the Industrial Revolution?)