Friday, August 21, 2009


i've believed for as long as i can remember that prayer is constant and it's about your thought life. my best prayer moments are just when i'm not distracted by one thing or another. i used to be bothered by the verse that extols you to pray without ceasing ... and then i realized that it could be done. i don't call myself a prayer warrior but i'm betting that as you think about the folks that mean the most to you, you're praying for them.
one of the servant leaders in our community recently took a course on seeing God through the arts. i'm excited to think about what she'll add to the community mix with whatever insight she gleaned there. the vid below made me think of that.

while you're down there on your knees (metaphorically or otherwise), fire one off for me. ask anyone i know, i need help.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

fun to see this again... I've been involved with 24/7 off and on for quite a number of years now...

and the artistic, not a bunch of people in a church basement on folding metal chairs, really did let my soul come alive to prayer...